New Molalla Police Facility Committee

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Consultation has concluded

The Molalla City Council has created a Police Facility Community Program Committee to serve as the Citizen Advisory Committee for a new Molalla Police Facility. This page will allow you to stay informed as the Committee considers various portions of the project. There may also be a request for survey responses and other input as the project moves along.

The Molalla Police Department and City Hall have shared the same building since early 1970's when the population of Molalla was approximately 2,000. Today's population is a little over 10,000 people, and the corresponding increase in staffing both in the PD and City Hall combined with additional space required for property and evidence has caused the building to burst at the seams. With these facts in mind, the City Council set "a new police facility" as its top goal entering Fiscal Year 2021-2022. The Police Department Facility is part of the Molalla Vision & Action Plan. While the work will not be completed in one year, naming this a priority goal effectively sets the ball in motion.

Provide your ideas, ask your questions, and sign up to receive email notifications about this project any time it is updated!

The Molalla City Council has created a Police Facility Community Program Committee to serve as the Citizen Advisory Committee for a new Molalla Police Facility. This page will allow you to stay informed as the Committee considers various portions of the project. There may also be a request for survey responses and other input as the project moves along.

The Molalla Police Department and City Hall have shared the same building since early 1970's when the population of Molalla was approximately 2,000. Today's population is a little over 10,000 people, and the corresponding increase in staffing both in the PD and City Hall combined with additional space required for property and evidence has caused the building to burst at the seams. With these facts in mind, the City Council set "a new police facility" as its top goal entering Fiscal Year 2021-2022. The Police Department Facility is part of the Molalla Vision & Action Plan. While the work will not be completed in one year, naming this a priority goal effectively sets the ball in motion.

Provide your ideas, ask your questions, and sign up to receive email notifications about this project any time it is updated!

Consultation has concluded
  • City Council Presentation

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    On July 27, 2022 Mackenzie was recommended for architectural services for the new Police Facility after an intense selection committee review period. The council was unanimous and provided the authority for the City Manager to negotiate a contract with them. Also, as part of the same city council meeting, the Findings of Fact public hearing was held for the use of CM/GC (Construction Manager/General Contractor) as an alternative method of contracting for the new Police Facility. No public comment was received and after a brief overview by the City’s owner’s representative, Joshua Dodson, the Findings were adopted authorizing the City to use CM/GC. Both activities are major milestones in the progress of the new Police Facility.

  • Architect Interviews

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    On June 30, 2022, the MPD Team interviewed two architectural/engineering teams, MDG and Mackenzie. It was determined that Mackenzie scored the highest points after scores of the written proposal, reference checks and interview point totals. Mackenzie will be issued a notice of award and recommended to enter contract negotiations at the July 27, 2022 city council meeting.

  • Notice of Public Hearing

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    Notice of Public Hearing

    Exemption Findings of Fact to Utilize CM/GC as Alternative Method of Contracting

    City of Molalla, Police Department

    July 27, 2022, 7:00 pm, Civic Center Council Room

    The City of Molalla, acting in the capacity as the City’s Local Contract Review Board, will conduct a Public Hearing on Wednesday, July 27, 2022, beginning at 7:00 pm to hear and take public comment on the adoption of an exemption from the competitive bidding requirements for the New Police Station Project. The meeting will begin at 7:00 pm in the Civic Center Conference Room located at 315 Kennel Ave., Molalla, OR 97038. The draft findings are available for public review at the City of Molalla located at 117 N Molalla Ave., Molalla, OR 97038. All interested parties are encouraged to attend.

  • CPC Kick Off Meeting

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    Today, the CPC met for their first kickoff meeting and discussed the new Police Facilities’ project budget, overall schedule, the procurement of the Architects and the upcoming exemption process to utilize an alternative method of contracting or CM/GC for our future General Contractor. All steam ahead with planning to complete the project by the end of 2024!

  • Pre-Proposal Meeting

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    Yesterday, May 19, 2022 the City held a mandatory pre-proposal meeting at Foothills Church for architectural firms to visit the City and the future Molalla Police Department site. Dan Huff provided a City warm welcome to the group, Chief Long provided an introduction and history of the Police Department and Joshua Dodson, the City’s Owner’s Representative/Project Manager overviewed the contents of the Request For Proposal document that is being used for the AE solicitation process. Proposals are due June 9, 2022 and final selection is to be made in July 2022. We had a strong turn out with eight architectural firms, two engineering firm and our neighbors Molalla Communications. Soon the Architect will be on board as part of our team to help program the needed spaces for the new Police Facility. This will in turn help us determine the right size project funding to fix our goals towards. As currently planned the facility opening will take place in the Fall of 2024. If you have any questions you can feel free to email Joshua Dodson at

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    City of Molalla, Molalla, Oregon Architectural/Engineering Services New Police Facility

    Request for Proposals- RFP 2022-01

    Due Date June 9, 2022, 1pm, Molalla City Hall

    The City of Molalla and the City of Molalla Urban Renewal Agency is seeking the professional services of an Architect/Engineer firm to provide design services for a new police facility located in Molalla, Oregon. The project is anticipated to be a 2-story 17,500SF new police facility located near the existing City Hall.

    To obtain a copy of the RFP please contact the Owner’s Representative, Joshua Dodson at the email below or at the City website Molalla Current, Molalla Current ( Facility Committee page. A mandatory pre-proposal meeting will be held at the Foothills Community Church, 122 Grange Ave., Molalla, OR 97038 on May 19, 2022 at 10:30am. All interested parties are required to sign in and participate. The RFP contents, schedule and site tour will take place. This advertisement can be found in statewide circulated notices as well as local paper and the City website Molalla Current.

    All questions related to this RFP solicitation should be made to the City Owner’s Representative, Joshua Dodson at