New Molalla Police Facility Committee

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Consultation has concluded

The Molalla City Council has created a Police Facility Community Program Committee to serve as the Citizen Advisory Committee for a new Molalla Police Facility. This page will allow you to stay informed as the Committee considers various portions of the project. There may also be a request for survey responses and other input as the project moves along.

The Molalla Police Department and City Hall have shared the same building since early 1970's when the population of Molalla was approximately 2,000. Today's population is a little over 10,000 people, and the corresponding increase in staffing both in the PD and City Hall combined with additional space required for property and evidence has caused the building to burst at the seams. With these facts in mind, the City Council set "a new police facility" as its top goal entering Fiscal Year 2021-2022. The Police Department Facility is part of the Molalla Vision & Action Plan. While the work will not be completed in one year, naming this a priority goal effectively sets the ball in motion.

Provide your ideas, ask your questions, and sign up to receive email notifications about this project any time it is updated!

The Molalla City Council has created a Police Facility Community Program Committee to serve as the Citizen Advisory Committee for a new Molalla Police Facility. This page will allow you to stay informed as the Committee considers various portions of the project. There may also be a request for survey responses and other input as the project moves along.

The Molalla Police Department and City Hall have shared the same building since early 1970's when the population of Molalla was approximately 2,000. Today's population is a little over 10,000 people, and the corresponding increase in staffing both in the PD and City Hall combined with additional space required for property and evidence has caused the building to burst at the seams. With these facts in mind, the City Council set "a new police facility" as its top goal entering Fiscal Year 2021-2022. The Police Department Facility is part of the Molalla Vision & Action Plan. While the work will not be completed in one year, naming this a priority goal effectively sets the ball in motion.

Provide your ideas, ask your questions, and sign up to receive email notifications about this project any time it is updated!

Consultation has concluded
  • Focus tour

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    Today 1.26.2023 our MPD team made up of Dan Huff City Manager, Chief of Police Chris Long, Lieutenant Bobby Call, Chief's Assistant Nicole Ricker, Iris of Mackenzie, Chana of P&C Construction and Joshua Dodson the owners representative for the project. Our team met with the Canby Police Chief Jorge Tro and toured the facility with the purpose of focus topics of what materials have held up well and which ones have failed and you would do over if you could. Our goal is to apply lessons learned and incorporate those findings into our project design. We looked at wall types and various durable materials that will hold up to police equipment contact with the walls, floor finish types, cabinets, paint, shelf types and all sorts of finish materials such that our project will have a lower cost based on extended life cycle maintenance costs. It was a productive visit and we thanked the Canby Police Chief for his time in explaining lessons learned. We learned a lot about what to do better and what not to do and hope to have those lessons apply to our better pricing and estimates going forward.

  • Execution of Preconstruction

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    On 12.15.2022 P&C Construction executed a preconstruction contract with the City of Molalla to become the final piece of our project team to manage the design and construction of the new Molalla Police Facility. We promptly met as a team to discuss the current design and download as much information as possible to the construction group. P&C’s contract recommendation was presented to the city council the night before. The project is progressing nicely and in place according to the plan.

  • CMGC CPC Meeting

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    On 11.17.2022 from 10am to 1pm the MPC CPC team met to discuss the current floor plan options for the 20,000 SF planned facility and review various types of design options for exterior programming. The CPC evaluated designs prepared by Mackenzie set on boards and discussed the pros and cons of each types of design. The architects will now take those thoughts and prepare a programmed design concept based off the feedback from the committee for further refinement. The project is progressing well and according to schedule. Current funding is being evaluated as well as planning for future needs. If there are any questions you can contact the project owner’s representative, Joshua Dodson at 503.754.2546 cell.

  • Construction Manager/ General Contractor Interviews

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    On November 10, 2022 the MPD CM/GC Selection committee convened to hold interviews with the three highest ranking general contractors out of a total of eight submissions in order to reach the final scoring for the CM/GC position on the new Molalla Police Facility. The process took most of the day with each of the three firms presenting their best message and then holding a questions and answer period for the remainder of the time slots. After final scoring of the interviews, those scores were added to the previous scores of the proposal and fee scoring to bring a grand total for each firm. The outcome showed that P&C Construction scored highest with Kirby Nagelhout and Todd Construction coming in respective 2nd and 3rd places. The selection committee, therefore, has selected P&C as the CM/GC firm to recommend to the City Council on December 14, 2022 and to enter preconstruction services phase.

  • Construction Manager/ General Contractor Selection Committee

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    On 11.3.2022, the MPD CM/GC selection committee convened to review preliminary scoring of the project general contractor. After the final scores were settled three firms were ranked to move on to interviews next week. The highest ranked firms were P&C Construction, Todd Construction and Kirby Nagelhout Construction. There were a total of eight CM/GC firms who submitted proposals in total. The City is looking to interview the finalists next week and conclude the scoring with a highest ranked CM/GC firm being recommended to City council in December 2022.

  • Geotech Drilling

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    On October 11th and 12th NV5 performed geotechnical drilling to explore and study the soil types across the existing bowling alley site in preparation for design of the new Molalla Police Facility. The findings of these borings will determine how the structure and civil portions of the design will proceed as well as hydrology across the site. This is a great milestone for the project!

  • Pre-Proposal Meeting

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    On September 29th , 2022 the City held a mandatory pre-proposal meeting for CM/GC services on the new Molalla Police Facility. The meeting was held at the bowling alley site. The City’s Project Manager, Joshua Dodson led the meeting to review the terms of the Request for Proposal document and introduced members of Mackenzie to provide an overview of the current design status. Dan Huff, the City Manager, Chris Long Police Chief, Bobby Call, Lieutenant and other members of the police force were introduced at the meeting. There were a dozen contractors in attendance which is an excellent turnout.

    The City is currently evaluating siting of the building on the property to take us in to programming stage of design. The site is undergoing survey for topo, boundary and utilities as well as geotechnical boring studies are scheduled to begin in the next few weeks.

  • Construction Manager/ General Contractor Request for Proposals

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    City of Molalla


    FOR New Police Facility [CM/GC]

    Date of Advertisement: September 15th, 2022

    Proposals Due: October 25th, 2022 @ 1:00pm PST


    The City of Molalla is seeking proposals from experienced Construction Managers/General Contractors (CM/GC) to construct the new Police Facility in Molalla, Oregon. The CM/GC firm that is selected will be providing services during the design and construction phases of the project.

    Based on findings prepared by the City that received no public comment, the Council has passed a resolution exempting the project from procurement by competitive bid, and authorizes the use of a Construction Manager General Contractor method of procurement (CM/GC).

    A mandatory pre-proposal meeting will be held at the Bowling Alley Property, 150 Grange Avenue, Molalla Ave., Molalla, Oregon 97038 on September 29th, 2022 at 10:30am. All firms planning to submit a proposal must be represented at this meeting. Statements made by the City’s representatives at this meeting will not be binding unless confirmed by written addendum to the RFP.

    RFP packages, which include submission requirements, may be obtained by emailing the City’s Owner Representative, Joshua Dodson at Proposals are due by 1:00 PM on October 25th, 2022. Late submissions or submissions from firms not represented at the pre-proposal meeting will not be accepted.

    The City may reject any proposal not in compliance with all applicable public procurement procedures and requirements and may reject for good cause any or all proposals upon a finding by the City that it is in the public interest to do so. All proposers must be registered with the Oregon Construction Contractors Board. Failure to register will be sufficient cause to reject a proposal as non-responsive. The City reserves the right to waive any and all informalities that are in the best interest of the City.


  • Design Kick-Off

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    On Tuesday August 16, 2022 from 11am to 3pm, members of the architectural team from Mackenzie led the initial kickoff visioning and pre-programming session at City Hall. This is a necessary and important step in providing the designers what they need in order to begin the process of design. Mackenzie will gather the information and report back on the next iteration of understanding the design needs.

  • Mackenzie Kick-Off Meeting

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    On July 28, 2022 the City’s core team for the new Police Facility met with Mackenzie to begin architectural services where the initial contract documents were reviewed and various activities were discussed for further progress.