January 2021

Council sets "New Police Facility" as a priority goal

May 2021

City Staff finalizes negotiations to purchase 150 Grange (old bowling alley)

The property was owned by a Minnesota bank called Community Reinvestment Fund (CRF). The negotiations started out with CRF asking for over $1,000,000 for the property. City Staff was able to negotiate them down to a purchase price in the $550,000 range, just over half of the initial asking price. 

September 09 2021

First Police Facility CPC Meeting

On September 9th the Molalla Police Facility Community Program Committee held it's first meeting.  The discussion consisted of the first steps in preparing for a new facility to be constructed.  A Request for Proposal has been issued for a Construction Manager, which will be the point person for this project.  The building needs to be cleaned out, then will be demolished as it is unusable.

May 19 2022

Pre-proposal meeting

May 26 2022

Deadline for proposer questions

Questions from proposers are due in writing for the City to answer any additional questions after the site tour on 5/19/2022.

May 27 2022

RFP Addenda Issuance

Questions will be answered and sent to proposers. 

June 09 2022

Proposals due at 1 PM

June 10 2022

CPC Kick Off Meeting

June 23 2022

Selection Committee Meeting

June 30 2022

Proposer Interviews

July 2022

City Council Approval of Selection