New Molalla Police Facility Committee

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Consultation has concluded

The Molalla City Council has created a Police Facility Community Program Committee to serve as the Citizen Advisory Committee for a new Molalla Police Facility. This page will allow you to stay informed as the Committee considers various portions of the project. There may also be a request for survey responses and other input as the project moves along.

The Molalla Police Department and City Hall have shared the same building since early 1970's when the population of Molalla was approximately 2,000. Today's population is a little over 10,000 people, and the corresponding increase in staffing both in the PD and City Hall combined with additional space required for property and evidence has caused the building to burst at the seams. With these facts in mind, the City Council set "a new police facility" as its top goal entering Fiscal Year 2021-2022. The Police Department Facility is part of the Molalla Vision & Action Plan. While the work will not be completed in one year, naming this a priority goal effectively sets the ball in motion.

Provide your ideas, ask your questions, and sign up to receive email notifications about this project any time it is updated!

The Molalla City Council has created a Police Facility Community Program Committee to serve as the Citizen Advisory Committee for a new Molalla Police Facility. This page will allow you to stay informed as the Committee considers various portions of the project. There may also be a request for survey responses and other input as the project moves along.

The Molalla Police Department and City Hall have shared the same building since early 1970's when the population of Molalla was approximately 2,000. Today's population is a little over 10,000 people, and the corresponding increase in staffing both in the PD and City Hall combined with additional space required for property and evidence has caused the building to burst at the seams. With these facts in mind, the City Council set "a new police facility" as its top goal entering Fiscal Year 2021-2022. The Police Department Facility is part of the Molalla Vision & Action Plan. While the work will not be completed in one year, naming this a priority goal effectively sets the ball in motion.

Provide your ideas, ask your questions, and sign up to receive email notifications about this project any time it is updated!

Consultation has concluded

If you have a question about this project, ask away!

  • Share Was the Malala Police department defunded on Facebook Share Was the Malala Police department defunded on Twitter Share Was the Malala Police department defunded on Linkedin Email Was the Malala Police department defunded link

    Was the Malala Police department defunded

    Dan asked about 2 years ago

    Thank you for your question.  No, it was not. 

  • Share 1) Where is the funding coming from? If we're using Urban Renewal funds for this, why haven't those funds been used to repair/pave streets? 2) I understand the plan is to rehab/refurb/rebuild the bowling alley. This is a million-dollar purchase of land, when we have the former Adult Center and former PAL building already owned by the city. Wouldn't it be cheaper to use property the City already owns? on Facebook Share 1) Where is the funding coming from? If we're using Urban Renewal funds for this, why haven't those funds been used to repair/pave streets? 2) I understand the plan is to rehab/refurb/rebuild the bowling alley. This is a million-dollar purchase of land, when we have the former Adult Center and former PAL building already owned by the city. Wouldn't it be cheaper to use property the City already owns? on Twitter Share 1) Where is the funding coming from? If we're using Urban Renewal funds for this, why haven't those funds been used to repair/pave streets? 2) I understand the plan is to rehab/refurb/rebuild the bowling alley. This is a million-dollar purchase of land, when we have the former Adult Center and former PAL building already owned by the city. Wouldn't it be cheaper to use property the City already owns? on Linkedin Email 1) Where is the funding coming from? If we're using Urban Renewal funds for this, why haven't those funds been used to repair/pave streets? 2) I understand the plan is to rehab/refurb/rebuild the bowling alley. This is a million-dollar purchase of land, when we have the former Adult Center and former PAL building already owned by the city. Wouldn't it be cheaper to use property the City already owns? link

    1) Where is the funding coming from? If we're using Urban Renewal funds for this, why haven't those funds been used to repair/pave streets? 2) I understand the plan is to rehab/refurb/rebuild the bowling alley. This is a million-dollar purchase of land, when we have the former Adult Center and former PAL building already owned by the city. Wouldn't it be cheaper to use property the City already owns?

    Hendy Appleton asked almost 3 years ago

    Thank you for your inquiry!

    First, the purchase price of the Bowling Alley property (the projected site of the new Police Facility). The sellers asked for over $1,000,000, but City Staff was able to negotiate a purchase price of roughly $560,000. 

    1) At present the funding package has not been determined. Financing large public projects can be a fairly complex web of sources. However, like all budgetary matters the funding package will be part of a substantial public process that is ultimately determined and approved by the City Council. So, stay tuned for more on this as the project matures!

    Urban renewal funds have not been designated for this project at present. To learn more about the Urban Renewal District see the Urban Renewal Plan on the City's website:

    3) The former Adult Center has been renamed the Molalla Civic Center and will continue to serve as the Council Meeting Chambers and Planning Commission Chambers, and the Municipal Court will begin to operate there in November of 2021. The leftover space consists of 3 offices and a small conference room, which is not enough to meet current police facility needs and is substantially less than what will be needed for a police facility as the community continues to grow. The PAL building property is very small in size and cannot provide the space needed for police personnel, equipment, and evidence storage. 

  • Share How is the new police facility being funded? on Facebook Share How is the new police facility being funded? on Twitter Share How is the new police facility being funded? on Linkedin Email How is the new police facility being funded? link

    How is the new police facility being funded?

    Lifetime Local asked almost 3 years ago

    At present the funding package has not been determined. Financing large public projects can be a fairly complex web of sources. However, like all budgetary matters the funding package will be part of a substantial public process that is ultimately determined and approved by the City Council. So, stay tuned for more on this as the project matures!

  • Share Wasn't the current building also shared with the library for a time? The article above says that the police station and city offices have shared the building since the 70s. I recall going to the library in part of that building during the 80s and 90s. on Facebook Share Wasn't the current building also shared with the library for a time? The article above says that the police station and city offices have shared the building since the 70s. I recall going to the library in part of that building during the 80s and 90s. on Twitter Share Wasn't the current building also shared with the library for a time? The article above says that the police station and city offices have shared the building since the 70s. I recall going to the library in part of that building during the 80s and 90s. on Linkedin Email Wasn't the current building also shared with the library for a time? The article above says that the police station and city offices have shared the building since the 70s. I recall going to the library in part of that building during the 80s and 90s. link

    Wasn't the current building also shared with the library for a time? The article above says that the police station and city offices have shared the building since the 70s. I recall going to the library in part of that building during the 80s and 90s.

    Lifetime Local asked almost 3 years ago

    Thank you very much for the additional information. It sounds like the current building has been shared by the library too at times. 

  • Share What is the estimated cost of this project? on Facebook Share What is the estimated cost of this project? on Twitter Share What is the estimated cost of this project? on Linkedin Email What is the estimated cost of this project? link

    What is the estimated cost of this project?

    Lifetime Local asked almost 3 years ago

    Thank you for your question and our sincerest apologies for the delay... Staff is still learning the system and this has increased our knowledge, so thank you for bringing it to our attention!

    This is an excellent question, but just a bit premature. The Community, Council, and City Staff are currently partnering to liquidate the items in the bowling alley before it can be demolished, it will be similar to an estate sale. Once liquidation and demolition is complete, design options will be considered. Basic cost estimates are typically included with the design options, and different tools to pay for the project are considered at the same time. The Council will look at all of these things (design, cost, financing tools, public input, etc.) in settling on a design option. At that point, the estimated cost of the project will have been determined. 

    One thing we do know is the cost to date. At this point the only expenditure that has been made is on the property itself. Staff was able to negotiate a purchase price of roughly $560,000 after negotiating the seller's original asking price of just over $1,000,000.  Additionally, approximately $100,000 has been tentatively approved out of the second phase ARPA funding for demolition and repair of the storm drainage system on the site.