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City of Molalla, Molalla, Oregon Architectural/Engineering Services New Police Facility

Request for Proposals- RFP 2022-01

Due Date June 9, 2022, 1pm, Molalla City Hall

The City of Molalla and the City of Molalla Urban Renewal Agency is seeking the professional services of an Architect/Engineer firm to provide design services for a new police facility located in Molalla, Oregon. The project is anticipated to be a 2-story 17,500SF new police facility located near the existing City Hall.

To obtain a copy of the RFP please contact the Owner’s Representative, Joshua Dodson at the email below or at the City website Molalla Current, Molalla Current ( Facility Committee page. A mandatory pre-proposal meeting will be held at the Foothills Community Church, 122 Grange Ave., Molalla, OR 97038 on May 19, 2022 at 10:30am. All interested parties are required to sign in and participate. The RFP contents, schedule and site tour will take place. This advertisement can be found in statewide circulated notices as well as local paper and the City website Molalla Current.

All questions related to this RFP solicitation should be made to the City Owner’s Representative, Joshua Dodson at

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