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Pre-Proposal Meeting

Yesterday, May 19, 2022 the City held a mandatory pre-proposal meeting at Foothills Church for architectural firms to visit the City and the future Molalla Police Department site. Dan Huff provided a City warm welcome to the group, Chief Long provided an introduction and history of the Police Department and Joshua Dodson, the City’s Owner’s Representative/Project Manager overviewed the contents of the Request For Proposal document that is being used for the AE solicitation process. Proposals are due June 9, 2022 and final selection is to be made in July 2022. We had a strong turn out with eight architectural firms, two engineering firm and our neighbors Molalla Communications. Soon the Architect will be on board as part of our team to help program the needed spaces for the new Police Facility. This will in turn help us determine the right size project funding to fix our goals towards. As currently planned the facility opening will take place in the Fall of 2024. If you have any questions you can feel free to email Joshua Dodson at

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