Molalla's Urban Growth Boundary (UGB)

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This process will determine what land will come into the UGB (both quantity and location)

Public Input will be solicited throughout in various forms such as surveys, polls, meetings and more.

Step 1. Sequential UGB Process Approval

Complete 3/28/23.

The City of Molalla is the first to use this new process for UGB amendments. It requires City Council, County Board, and Dept. of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) approval.

Step 2. Housing Needs Analysis/Buildable Lands Inventory

Complete 7/26/23.

This first study looks at the 20-year growth projection and available residential buildable land (vacant and infill) currently inside the UGB to determine how much of a deficit exists, if any. This study is then adopted into the City’s Comprehensive Plan.

City Staff applied for and received a Grant to complete this work.

Step 3. Housing Production Strategies

In progress

Step 4. Economic Opportunities Analysis/Buildable Lands Inventory

In progress

This study is very similar to the one in Step 2 above but focuses on employment lands (Industrial and Commercial) to ensure the City has land to provide enough employment opportunities to support it’s population.

City Staff will apply for Grant funding to complete this study.

Step 5. Efficiency Measures


This portion of the process includes the implementation phase of the Housing Production Strategies work done to satisfy HB 2003 and evaluates land within the current UGB to determine if processes such as rezoning could cause them to be used more efficiently. Before the City can determine it’s final 20-year land need, some efficiency measures must be adopted to ensure the City is getting the most opportunity out of the lands currently inside the UGB. This may reduce the 20-year land need.

City Staff applied for and was awarded 2 Grants to complete this work and the Housing Production Strategies work required by HB 2003.

Step 6. Land Studies

In Progress

This step requires identification of a “study area” that is typically a consistent area outside the city boundaries in every direction (e.g. one mile). Once the study area is identified, the lands in that area are assessed under state guidelines to determine what the most appropriate areas are to include in a potential UGB amendment.

The state guidelines for assessment include things like: soil qualities, parcel sizes, utility serviceability and more.

Step 7. UGB Amendment


Upon adoption and/or approval (as applicable) of the items in Steps 1-5 above, the City will file with Clackamas County’s Board of Commissioners to modify the City’s UGB as determined by the results of this process.

This process will determine what land will come into the UGB (both quantity and location)

Public Input will be solicited throughout in various forms such as surveys, polls, meetings and more.

Step 1. Sequential UGB Process Approval

Complete 3/28/23.

The City of Molalla is the first to use this new process for UGB amendments. It requires City Council, County Board, and Dept. of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) approval.

Step 2. Housing Needs Analysis/Buildable Lands Inventory

Complete 7/26/23.

This first study looks at the 20-year growth projection and available residential buildable land (vacant and infill) currently inside the UGB to determine how much of a deficit exists, if any. This study is then adopted into the City’s Comprehensive Plan.

City Staff applied for and received a Grant to complete this work.

Step 3. Housing Production Strategies

In progress

Step 4. Economic Opportunities Analysis/Buildable Lands Inventory

In progress

This study is very similar to the one in Step 2 above but focuses on employment lands (Industrial and Commercial) to ensure the City has land to provide enough employment opportunities to support it’s population.

City Staff will apply for Grant funding to complete this study.

Step 5. Efficiency Measures


This portion of the process includes the implementation phase of the Housing Production Strategies work done to satisfy HB 2003 and evaluates land within the current UGB to determine if processes such as rezoning could cause them to be used more efficiently. Before the City can determine it’s final 20-year land need, some efficiency measures must be adopted to ensure the City is getting the most opportunity out of the lands currently inside the UGB. This may reduce the 20-year land need.

City Staff applied for and was awarded 2 Grants to complete this work and the Housing Production Strategies work required by HB 2003.

Step 6. Land Studies

In Progress

This step requires identification of a “study area” that is typically a consistent area outside the city boundaries in every direction (e.g. one mile). Once the study area is identified, the lands in that area are assessed under state guidelines to determine what the most appropriate areas are to include in a potential UGB amendment.

The state guidelines for assessment include things like: soil qualities, parcel sizes, utility serviceability and more.

Step 7. UGB Amendment


Upon adoption and/or approval (as applicable) of the items in Steps 1-5 above, the City will file with Clackamas County’s Board of Commissioners to modify the City’s UGB as determined by the results of this process.

Page last updated: 27 Feb 2025, 04:23 PM