July 26 2023

Hearings for HNA Ordinance Adoption and HPS Resolution Adoption

7/19/2023 UPDATE: Only the HNA and BLI hearing will be held on this date. The HPS hearing will be held at a later time. The ordinance to adopt the HNA and BLI has been uploaded under the "Documents" tab.  

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: On Wednesday, July 26, 2023, the Molalla City Council will conduct two public hearings starting at 7:00 p.m. in the Molalla Civic Center located at 315 Kennel Ave. The first public hearing is for the adoption of an updated Housing Needs Analysis (HNA) and Buildable Lands Inventory (BLI) into the Molalla Comprehensive Plan. The second is for the adoption of a resolution for a Housing Production Strategy (HPS). 

You may attend, offer testimony, or seek information at the hearing. Any correspondence received in advance of the meeting will be forwarded to the hearing body. Written testimony will be received by the City of Molalla until the day of the hearing and should be addressed or emailed to: Planning Specialist, Ronda Lee, 315 Kennel Ave, Molalla OR, 97038, communityplanner@cityofmolalla.com; note that email is preferred, and please ensure your name and address are included in the written testimony. 

By Wednesday, July 19, 2023 a copy of the HNA, BLI, and HPS and staff report will be available at the Molalla Civic Center, 315 Kennel Ave., and will be posted on the City’s website and the Molalla Current (https://current.cityofmolalla.com/). These documents will be available for inspection at no cost and copies will be provided at a reasonable cost.

May 24 2023

HPS Hearing

On Wednesday, May 24, 2023, the Molalla City Council will conduct a public hearing to discuss the draft Housing Production Strategy to promote the development of all identified housing needs from the Housing Needs Analysis. This document is a product of the Planning Assistance grant the City received to bring the City in compliance with Oregon House Bill 2003. The hearing will be held at 7:00 PM at the Molalla Civic Center; 315 Kennel Ave, Molalla OR, 97038.

You may attend, offer testimony, or seek information at the hearing. Written testimony will be received by the City of Molalla until the day of the hearing and should be addressed or emailed to: City Recorder, Christie Teets, PO Box 248, Molalla OR, 97038, cteets@cityofmolalla.com; note that email is preferred. Please ensure your name and address are included in the written testimony.

A copy of the draft HPS and staff report will be available for inspection at no cost at least seven (7) days prior to the hearing. Copies shall be provided at a reasonable cost upon request.

April 18 2023

Townhall Meeting

The Molalla City Council and City Staff cordially invite all members of the public to join us in a town hall style meeting to discuss and inform the City's forthcoming Housing Production Strategies report. City Staff and project consultant Emerio Design will present and then provide an opportunity for further public investigation, questions, and feedback towards the report. The town hall meeting will take place on Tuesday, April 18, 2023, at 6:30 PM at the Molalla Civic Center, 315 Kennel Ave, Molalla, OR. The provisions of Oregon House Bill 2003 required cities with a population greater than 10,000 to develop a housing production strategy report to address its estimated housing needs. The project is funded through a grant issued by the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD). This meeting is an opportunity to get involved in a process that will help determine how Molalla builds out its housing stock in years to come. Please don't hesitate to reach out to City Staff at CommunityPlanner@cityofmolalla.com with any questions regarding the upcoming meeting.

For reference, DLCD provides a guidance document of potential strategies that Cities can undertake that we will be discussing as potential code amendment options at the meeting:


March 30 2023

Technical Advisory Committee Meeting For Housing Production Strategy Draft

Technical Advisory Committee Meeting

The City of Molalla will be hosting a meeting for the technical advisory committee (TAC) to discuss the draft housing production strategy (HPS) draft on Thursday, March 30th at 4 PM.

This meeting will be held remotely via Zoom. You can use this link to open the meeting and/or participate here:


See Documents tab for draft HPS.

February 08 2023

1st Hearing For HNA Adoption


Project Number: 21-16

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: On Wednesday, February 8, 2023, the Molalla City Council will conduct a public hearing at 7:00 p.m. in the Molalla Civic Center located at 315 Kennel Ave. The public hearing is for an updated Housing Needs Analysis (HNA) and Buildable Lands Inventory (BLI). By Friday, January 27, 2023 a copy of the HNA/BLI and staff report will be available at the Molalla Civic Center, 315 Kennel Ave., and will be posted on the City’s website and the Molalla Current (https://current.cityofmolalla.com/). It is available for inspection at no cost and copies will be provided at a reasonable cost. 


You may attend, offer testimony, or seek information at the hearing. Any correspondence received in advance of the meeting will be forwarded to the hearing body. Written testimony will be received by the City of Molalla until the day of the hearing and should be addressed or emailed to: City Recorder, Christie Teets, PO Box 248, Molalla OR, 97038, cteets@cityofmolalla.com; note that email is preferred, and please ensure your name and address are included in the written testimony. 

June 22 2022

TAC HNA Draft Meeting - 10 AM

May 03 2022

Technical Advisory Committee Kickoff Meeting

The City of Molalla will be hosting a meeting for the technical advisory committee (TAC) to discuss the production of a housing needs analysis for the City.

Meeting Location:

This meeting will be held remotely via Zoom. You can use this link to open the meeting and/or participate here:


A live viewing will be held at:

Molalla Civic Center

315 Kennel Avenue.
Molalla, OR  97038

You can view the meeting agenda and packet by clicking here: 


January 31 2022

Consultant Proposals Due

City staff distributed a request for proposals to 5 planning consultant firms to assist in conducting the work required in HB 2003.  Upon receipt of proposals the City Council will make a selection at the next public meeting. 

April 03 2024

Joint Planning Commission And City Council Meeting for Economic Opportunities Analysis

On April 3rd, 2024 the City along with consultant Johnson Economics will host a joint meeting of the Molalla City Council and Molalla Planning Commission to discuss the Economic Opportunities Analysis and Employment Lands Buildable Lands Inventory.   

Meeting Details: 

6:30 PM

Molalla Civic Center

315 Kennel Ave

Molalla OR, 97038

October 15 2024

The Housing Production Strategies Fall Summit

December 04 2024

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Economic Opportunities Analysis


Economic Opportunities Analysis Draft

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: On Wednesday, December 4, 2024, the Molalla Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing to discuss the draft Economic Opportunities Analysis (EOA). This document identifies target industries for the community and offers economic policies that are tailored to move economic development forward in Molalla. This meeting precedes an adoption hearing with City Council, date to be decided. Commission recommendations will be forwarded to City Council for the adoption hearing. The hearing will be held at 6:30 PM at the Molalla Civic Center; 315 Kennel Ave, Molalla OR, 97038.

You may attend, offer testimony, or seek information at the hearing. Written testimony will be received by the City of Molalla until the day of the hearing and should be addressed or emailed to: Planning Support Specialist, Jessica Wirth, PO Box 248, Molalla OR, 97038, jwirth@cityofmolalla.com; note that email is preferred. Please ensure your name and address are included in the written testimony.

A copy of the draft EOA and staff report will be available for inspection at no cost at least seven (7) days prior to the hearing. Copies shall be provided at a reasonable cost upon request.

January 22 2025

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Draft Economic Opportunities Analysis


Economic Opportunities Analysis Adoption Hearing


NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: On Wednesday, January 22, 2025, the Molalla City Council will conduct a public hearing to adopt the draft Economic Opportunities Analysis (EOA). This document identifies target industries for the community and offers economic policies that are tailored to move economic development forward in Molalla. This meeting will be the final opportunity to comment on the draft document. The hearing will be held at 7:00 PM at the Molalla Civic Center; 315 Kennel Ave, Molalla OR, 97038. 


You may attend, offer testimony, or seek information at the hearing. Written testimony will be received by the City of Molalla until the day of the hearing and should be addressed or emailed to: Planning Support Specialist, Jessica Wirth, PO Box 248, Molalla OR, 97038, jwirth@cityofmolalla.com; note that email is preferred. Please ensure your name and address are included in the written testimony. 


A copy of the draft EOA and staff report will be available for inspection at no cost at least seven (7) days prior to the hearing. The documents will also be available at the Molalla Current (https://current.cityofmolalla.com/) Urban Growth Boundary page. Copies shall be provided at a reasonable cost upon request.

March 05 2025

Housing Production Strategy – Planning Commission DISCUSSION

February 12 2025

Economic Opportunities Analysis – City Council Adoption hearing continuation

March 26 2025

Housing Production Strategy – City Council PUBLIC HEARING

March 19 2025

Special Council Session - Economic Opportunities Analysis – City Council Adoption hearing continuation