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The weather is finally projected to be good enough to complete the roadway striping associated with the signal project at Molalla Ave & OR-211. The striping is slated to take place between Wed 5/4/22& Thurs 5/5/22 with a contingency day on Fri 5/6/22 if needed.
Please stay clear of the intersection if at all possible, and be aware detours and delays will result.
-Molalla Current Project Team
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The new signal at OR-211 and Molalla Ave is live and fully operational (timing was performed manually by ODOT, so it's not blinking as expected)!!!
The Molalla Area Chamber of Commerce will host a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on Saturday, 2/26/22, at 9am.
- The Ceremony will be held in front of Molalla City Hall located at 117 N Molalla Ave... see red area in attached map.
- The Chamber has advised there will be live music
- N Molalla Ave will close for about 1.5 hours from OR-211 to Ross St. (see map here and on the right side of the project page on the Molalla Current)
- Please contact the Molalla Area Chamber of Commerce if you have questions about the event (503) 829-6941

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The new traffic signal at OR 211 and Molalla Ave will be energized on Thursday, 2/10/22!!!
- The Signal will blink red for a week or so as a safety precaution and to allow the signal to learn traffic patterns.
- Permanent striping that will be installed when the weather is a bit more predictable and cooperative. Until then, temporary striping will be in place.
- Diagonal parking in the downtown area will revert back to parallel parking stalls.
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City staff has witnessed and received multiple citizen concerns about vehicles parking and/or driving on the new bicycle and pedestrian path along Highway 211.
Staff brought this issue to the attention of ODOT and they promised the following measures would be taken by New Years, or slightly thereafter:
- Type I steel post delineators will be added at 40' spacing between the path and OR-211 for the entire length of the path.
- "No Motor Vehicle" signs will be installed along the path.
The City Council shares the Community's concern about this issue, as does City Staff. We will continue to monitor this situation until a reasonable solution cures the problem once and for all.
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New photos of the work at Hwy 211 and Molalla Ave have been added to the project page. Take a look!
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North Molalla Avenue in the business access only area: parking is closed on the east side of the street, diagonal parking on the west side of the street provides substantial space.