Becoming and Serving as a City Councilor in Molalla...

Did You Know....

The City of Molalla Mayor and City Councilors are all volunteers?

The State of Oregon only has one city with a paid Mayor and Councilors and that is the City of Portland. All other elected officials, commission members, committee members, etc. are unpaid volunteers. Most of the work they accomplish occurs at Council meetings where they set policy, or on their own time answering questions and providing information to the community. Administration is handled by the Council's paid staff. The Council and their staff are always working to make the City of Molalla a better place for all 10,207 residents and businesses.

What it takes to qualify to become a City Councilor

  • The mayor and each councilor must be a qualified elector under state law, and reside within the city for at least one year immediately before election or appointment to office.
  • No person may be a candidate at a single election for more than one city office.
  • Neither the mayor nor a councilor may be employed by the city.
  • The council is the final judge of the election and qualifications of elected officials.

Form of Government:

Molalla is a full-service city operating under the council-manager form of government. The Mayor and six Councilors serve as the City’s policy-making and legislative body. The City Council also hears and decides land-use appeals and adopts the City’s annual budget. The Mayor serves a four-year term; Councilors serve four-year terms. All are elected at-large.

The Council appoints and evaluates a professional city manager who serves as the executive head of city government, with responsibility for preparing and administering the annual budget, supervising the City’s departments, advising the Council on policy issues and current developments, implementing Council decisions, and providing leadership to managers and staff in achieving Council goals and priorities.

The City Council meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at the Molalla Adult Center. Council meetings are videotaped.

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