Just the Facts - Open Question & Answer Forum
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In a growing community, information can travel fast – sometimes too fast to be accurate! Have you heard something that made you raise an eyebrow in disbelief? Have a question you just can't seem to get an answer on? Are you just doing your part to make sure information you pass along is true? Then this is your space to cut through the misconceptions and sort out the facts: what’s real, and what’s rumor.
To view some frequently asked questions and answers, see the sidebar (below on mobile).
We will route your question to the relevant City Department and respond as quickly as possible (usually within a few days). If your question is about something the City doesn't directly manage or work on, we will provide you with information on the agency or organization that does.
You will receive an email notification when we've posted a response. Your question and our answer will also be posted on this page for all to see, so please leave any personal information out of the question.
Register using the link in the top right corner of the page and submit questions about any City-related topic.
In a growing community, information can travel fast – sometimes too fast to be accurate! Have you heard something that made you raise an eyebrow in disbelief? Have a question you just can't seem to get an answer on? Are you just doing your part to make sure information you pass along is true? Then this is your space to cut through the misconceptions and sort out the facts: what’s real, and what’s rumor.
To view some frequently asked questions and answers, see the sidebar (below on mobile).
We will route your question to the relevant City Department and respond as quickly as possible (usually within a few days). If your question is about something the City doesn't directly manage or work on, we will provide you with information on the agency or organization that does.
You will receive an email notification when we've posted a response. Your question and our answer will also be posted on this page for all to see, so please leave any personal information out of the question.
Share Hello, I was trying to see if there was a Source Water Assessment available for the City's Drinking water system so I was checking on OHA water system webpage for Molalla and I could not find a copy. However i am a bit concerned as it currently statess that the City's "Distribution and Treatment DRC requirement not met" and that you treatment plant is lacking a fully certified system operator. The information was found here. https://yourwater.oregon.gov/wsoperators.php?pwsno=00534 on Facebook Share Hello, I was trying to see if there was a Source Water Assessment available for the City's Drinking water system so I was checking on OHA water system webpage for Molalla and I could not find a copy. However i am a bit concerned as it currently statess that the City's "Distribution and Treatment DRC requirement not met" and that you treatment plant is lacking a fully certified system operator. The information was found here. https://yourwater.oregon.gov/wsoperators.php?pwsno=00534 on Twitter Share Hello, I was trying to see if there was a Source Water Assessment available for the City's Drinking water system so I was checking on OHA water system webpage for Molalla and I could not find a copy. However i am a bit concerned as it currently statess that the City's "Distribution and Treatment DRC requirement not met" and that you treatment plant is lacking a fully certified system operator. The information was found here. https://yourwater.oregon.gov/wsoperators.php?pwsno=00534 on Linkedin Email Hello, I was trying to see if there was a Source Water Assessment available for the City's Drinking water system so I was checking on OHA water system webpage for Molalla and I could not find a copy. However i am a bit concerned as it currently statess that the City's "Distribution and Treatment DRC requirement not met" and that you treatment plant is lacking a fully certified system operator. The information was found here. https://yourwater.oregon.gov/wsoperators.php?pwsno=00534 link
Hello, I was trying to see if there was a Source Water Assessment available for the City's Drinking water system so I was checking on OHA water system webpage for Molalla and I could not find a copy. However i am a bit concerned as it currently statess that the City's "Distribution and Treatment DRC requirement not met" and that you treatment plant is lacking a fully certified system operator. The information was found here. https://yourwater.oregon.gov/wsoperators.php?pwsno=00534
CuriousMolalla asked about 2 months agoThank you for your question!
The annual water report for 2023 is available on the Molalla Current under the Molalla's Water System page here: https://current.cityofmolalla.com/molalla-s-water-system. The reports for prior years are posted on the City's website, here: https://www.cityofmolalla.com/publicworks/page/water-quality-reports. We are currently in the process of rebuilding our webpage, that's why we decided to put the 2023 report on the current as we weren't sure how accessible the website would be during reconstruction.
The City's DRC Operator moved to a different organization at the beginning of the year and though water systems have 30 days to find and name a new DRC, we just completed contracting with a DRC on 1/14/25 that has served at our plant as DRC over the years as a gap fill when a DRC moves on. Both the 30-day rule and utilization of a contract DRC for gap fill is common practice in the water treatment world any time a DRC separates from an organization, it is no cause for concern. Thank you!
The Molalla Current Project Team
Share Neighbors have noticed a significant increase in clearing and survey activity along S Molalla Forest Road between S Ona Way and S Molalla Ave following the water main extension project. The activity suggests preparations for future changes and possible development. This raised a number of concerns with respect to the safety and quality of life of residents, wildlife, and the families, walkers, runners, and bikers that are currently able to safely use the road due to the traffic calming effect of the closed gates and the function of the roadway as primarily faciliating local access to homes. Is it possible to provide an explanation of the current activity along this stretch of the Forest Road? As well an overview of the future plans, to the extent that they exist? Thank you very much! on Facebook Share Neighbors have noticed a significant increase in clearing and survey activity along S Molalla Forest Road between S Ona Way and S Molalla Ave following the water main extension project. The activity suggests preparations for future changes and possible development. This raised a number of concerns with respect to the safety and quality of life of residents, wildlife, and the families, walkers, runners, and bikers that are currently able to safely use the road due to the traffic calming effect of the closed gates and the function of the roadway as primarily faciliating local access to homes. Is it possible to provide an explanation of the current activity along this stretch of the Forest Road? As well an overview of the future plans, to the extent that they exist? Thank you very much! on Twitter Share Neighbors have noticed a significant increase in clearing and survey activity along S Molalla Forest Road between S Ona Way and S Molalla Ave following the water main extension project. The activity suggests preparations for future changes and possible development. This raised a number of concerns with respect to the safety and quality of life of residents, wildlife, and the families, walkers, runners, and bikers that are currently able to safely use the road due to the traffic calming effect of the closed gates and the function of the roadway as primarily faciliating local access to homes. Is it possible to provide an explanation of the current activity along this stretch of the Forest Road? As well an overview of the future plans, to the extent that they exist? Thank you very much! on Linkedin Email Neighbors have noticed a significant increase in clearing and survey activity along S Molalla Forest Road between S Ona Way and S Molalla Ave following the water main extension project. The activity suggests preparations for future changes and possible development. This raised a number of concerns with respect to the safety and quality of life of residents, wildlife, and the families, walkers, runners, and bikers that are currently able to safely use the road due to the traffic calming effect of the closed gates and the function of the roadway as primarily faciliating local access to homes. Is it possible to provide an explanation of the current activity along this stretch of the Forest Road? As well an overview of the future plans, to the extent that they exist? Thank you very much! link
Neighbors have noticed a significant increase in clearing and survey activity along S Molalla Forest Road between S Ona Way and S Molalla Ave following the water main extension project. The activity suggests preparations for future changes and possible development. This raised a number of concerns with respect to the safety and quality of life of residents, wildlife, and the families, walkers, runners, and bikers that are currently able to safely use the road due to the traffic calming effect of the closed gates and the function of the roadway as primarily faciliating local access to homes. Is it possible to provide an explanation of the current activity along this stretch of the Forest Road? As well an overview of the future plans, to the extent that they exist? Thank you very much!
CJDE asked about 2 months agoThank you for your question!
The City is currently surveying the road to see what the actual right of way widths and locations are along the route and had to cut back the overgrown foliage so the surveyors could get in there and find markers. Once we have that information, it will be possible to better plan (budget, scope, timeline) for future improvement of the road in accordance with the Transportation System Plan either as it sits today or as the Council determines to amend it in the future.
Please note, there are no secrets about how streets in Molalla are planned to develop, every road is planned in the Transportation System Plan (TSP) which is adopted by the City Council and provides staff with the plan for transportation system improvements over a 20-year planning horizon, then is updated every 10-years as a best practice. Here is a link to the City of Molalla Transportation System Master Plan.
The extent of the current budgeting toward MFR is for the survey work to see what MFR actually is and what it might take to improve it in the future. The TSP cross section for Molalla Forest Road can be found on page 64.
The Molalla Current Project Team
molalla forest roadmolalla forest road -
Share How is it ethical that a mayor, who uses Facebook to post city updates, has community members blocked? I recall the ACLU said that’s a no no. Who holds that person accountable? Or do we need to file a formal complaint about him? It seems rather childish that a mayor would run his elected position on Facebook. on Facebook Share How is it ethical that a mayor, who uses Facebook to post city updates, has community members blocked? I recall the ACLU said that’s a no no. Who holds that person accountable? Or do we need to file a formal complaint about him? It seems rather childish that a mayor would run his elected position on Facebook. on Twitter Share How is it ethical that a mayor, who uses Facebook to post city updates, has community members blocked? I recall the ACLU said that’s a no no. Who holds that person accountable? Or do we need to file a formal complaint about him? It seems rather childish that a mayor would run his elected position on Facebook. on Linkedin Email How is it ethical that a mayor, who uses Facebook to post city updates, has community members blocked? I recall the ACLU said that’s a no no. Who holds that person accountable? Or do we need to file a formal complaint about him? It seems rather childish that a mayor would run his elected position on Facebook. link
How is it ethical that a mayor, who uses Facebook to post city updates, has community members blocked? I recall the ACLU said that’s a no no. Who holds that person accountable? Or do we need to file a formal complaint about him? It seems rather childish that a mayor would run his elected position on Facebook.
Concernedresident87 asked 2 months agoThank you for your question.
Please bring your concerns to a City Council meeting if necessary. Meetings are held on the 2nd at 4th Wednesday of each month at 7:00pm, in the Molalla Civic Center, 315 Kennel Avenue. If you are unable to arrive in person, please send your public comment/concern to the City Recorder at recorder@cityofmolalla.com.
The Molalla Current Project Team
Share Wondering who owns the little piece of land by the skate Park? on Facebook Share Wondering who owns the little piece of land by the skate Park? on Twitter Share Wondering who owns the little piece of land by the skate Park? on Linkedin Email Wondering who owns the little piece of land by the skate Park? link
Wondering who owns the little piece of land by the skate Park?
SaraK asked 3 months agoHello and thank you for the question!
I'm not sure which property you mean exactly, but the best way to find out who owns a particular parcel in Clackamas County is the C-Map application (County GIS). Here is a link: https://maps.clackamas.us/maps/cmap.
Thank you!
The Molalla Current Project Team
Share During the repaving project earlier this year, the crosswalk at N. Molalla Ave & Thunderbird was removed. Wondering if/when it will be replaced? Not having a crosswalk here makes it very unsafe, and sometimes impossible, to cross Molalla Ave. Many people walk from Glory Lane and the Shel-Mar neighborhoods and there is not a safe option to cross Molalla Ave at this time. The nearest crosswalk is Toliver and there in not a sidewalk available for most of the way from Thunderbird to Toliver on the west side of Molalla Ave. I look forward to knowing when this situation will be fixed. Thank you! on Facebook Share During the repaving project earlier this year, the crosswalk at N. Molalla Ave & Thunderbird was removed. Wondering if/when it will be replaced? Not having a crosswalk here makes it very unsafe, and sometimes impossible, to cross Molalla Ave. Many people walk from Glory Lane and the Shel-Mar neighborhoods and there is not a safe option to cross Molalla Ave at this time. The nearest crosswalk is Toliver and there in not a sidewalk available for most of the way from Thunderbird to Toliver on the west side of Molalla Ave. I look forward to knowing when this situation will be fixed. Thank you! on Twitter Share During the repaving project earlier this year, the crosswalk at N. Molalla Ave & Thunderbird was removed. Wondering if/when it will be replaced? Not having a crosswalk here makes it very unsafe, and sometimes impossible, to cross Molalla Ave. Many people walk from Glory Lane and the Shel-Mar neighborhoods and there is not a safe option to cross Molalla Ave at this time. The nearest crosswalk is Toliver and there in not a sidewalk available for most of the way from Thunderbird to Toliver on the west side of Molalla Ave. I look forward to knowing when this situation will be fixed. Thank you! on Linkedin Email During the repaving project earlier this year, the crosswalk at N. Molalla Ave & Thunderbird was removed. Wondering if/when it will be replaced? Not having a crosswalk here makes it very unsafe, and sometimes impossible, to cross Molalla Ave. Many people walk from Glory Lane and the Shel-Mar neighborhoods and there is not a safe option to cross Molalla Ave at this time. The nearest crosswalk is Toliver and there in not a sidewalk available for most of the way from Thunderbird to Toliver on the west side of Molalla Ave. I look forward to knowing when this situation will be fixed. Thank you! link
During the repaving project earlier this year, the crosswalk at N. Molalla Ave & Thunderbird was removed. Wondering if/when it will be replaced? Not having a crosswalk here makes it very unsafe, and sometimes impossible, to cross Molalla Ave. Many people walk from Glory Lane and the Shel-Mar neighborhoods and there is not a safe option to cross Molalla Ave at this time. The nearest crosswalk is Toliver and there in not a sidewalk available for most of the way from Thunderbird to Toliver on the west side of Molalla Ave. I look forward to knowing when this situation will be fixed. Thank you!
sarah824 asked 4 months agoHello, thank you for your question!
1) Will the crosswalk at Thunderbird be added back? Yes, the crosswalk at Thunderbird that crosses N Molalla Ave will be re-installed in conjunction with a sidewalk improvement project taking place in that location. The crosswalk return will be brought up to ADA standards and is expected to start imminently (subject to weather), and should take no more than a few days to complete. This project is funded in part by the City's new Sidewalk Improvement Grant!
The other crosswalk that runs parallel to N Molalla Ave and crosses Thunderbird will be reinstalled in conjunction with the project replacing the crosswalk at N Molalla and Frances. It is scheduled for replacement by mid-2025.
Warm Regards,
The Molalla Current Project Team
Share Since the repaving of N Molalla Ave, the two crosswalks at Thunderbird St and one at Francis St have not been replaced. There was a Facebook post that the one at Francis St had an issue because of it ending in a driveway, but a solution has been found and is now planned to be completed mid 2025. 1) Will the crosswalk at Thunderbird be added back? 2) Why was the issue at the Francis St crosswalk not planned/accounted for BEFORE removing it when a teen was hit here and died? 3) What are the City’s plans to illuminating the Francis St area to avoid another needless death in our community? on Facebook Share Since the repaving of N Molalla Ave, the two crosswalks at Thunderbird St and one at Francis St have not been replaced. There was a Facebook post that the one at Francis St had an issue because of it ending in a driveway, but a solution has been found and is now planned to be completed mid 2025. 1) Will the crosswalk at Thunderbird be added back? 2) Why was the issue at the Francis St crosswalk not planned/accounted for BEFORE removing it when a teen was hit here and died? 3) What are the City’s plans to illuminating the Francis St area to avoid another needless death in our community? on Twitter Share Since the repaving of N Molalla Ave, the two crosswalks at Thunderbird St and one at Francis St have not been replaced. There was a Facebook post that the one at Francis St had an issue because of it ending in a driveway, but a solution has been found and is now planned to be completed mid 2025. 1) Will the crosswalk at Thunderbird be added back? 2) Why was the issue at the Francis St crosswalk not planned/accounted for BEFORE removing it when a teen was hit here and died? 3) What are the City’s plans to illuminating the Francis St area to avoid another needless death in our community? on Linkedin Email Since the repaving of N Molalla Ave, the two crosswalks at Thunderbird St and one at Francis St have not been replaced. There was a Facebook post that the one at Francis St had an issue because of it ending in a driveway, but a solution has been found and is now planned to be completed mid 2025. 1) Will the crosswalk at Thunderbird be added back? 2) Why was the issue at the Francis St crosswalk not planned/accounted for BEFORE removing it when a teen was hit here and died? 3) What are the City’s plans to illuminating the Francis St area to avoid another needless death in our community? link
Since the repaving of N Molalla Ave, the two crosswalks at Thunderbird St and one at Francis St have not been replaced. There was a Facebook post that the one at Francis St had an issue because of it ending in a driveway, but a solution has been found and is now planned to be completed mid 2025. 1) Will the crosswalk at Thunderbird be added back? 2) Why was the issue at the Francis St crosswalk not planned/accounted for BEFORE removing it when a teen was hit here and died? 3) What are the City’s plans to illuminating the Francis St area to avoid another needless death in our community?
Akunstler asked 4 months agoHello, thank you for your questions!
1) Will the crosswalk at Thunderbird be added back? Yes, the crosswalk at Thunderbird that crosses N Molalla Ave will be re-installed in conjunction with a sidewalk improvement project taking place in that location. The crosswalk return will be brought up to ADA standards and is expected to start imminently (subject to weather), and should take no more than a few days to complete. This project is funded in part by the City's new Sidewalk Improvement Grant!
2) Why was the issue at the Francis St crosswalk not planned/accounted for BEFORE removing it when a teen was hit here and died? It was planned and accounted for. The City completed the resurfacing of N Molalla Ave using a special transportation fund that defederalizes money for use on local roads. When a project is planned, there is a contingency that is budgeted to deal with any unexpected issues along the way. If that contingency was used, the City was going to re-stripe the crosswalk in place and plan a future project to bring the location into compliance. Since that money was not used, the City had enough funding to reconstruct the crosswalk now and not waste funds on a temporary, non-compliant alternative. Given the proximity to other available crosswalks it was determined that student passage could still be completed safely by walking to the open crosswalk 400 feet away.
As far as the last part of your question, I would urge you to check your resources - no one has been killed in that intersection within at least the last 20 years. There have been vehicle vs pedestrian collisions there without a death and they occurred when the crosswalk is in place, so inattention and/or unsafe practices were the culprit, not the lack of a crosswalk. We urge anyone, student or adult, to make use of the existing crosswalks with the understanding that they do not provide a physical barrier and due regard is still a necessity. We equally encourage all drivers, especially in populated areas, to be careful and expect the unexpected to avoid a tragedy.
3) What are the City’s plans to illuminating the Francis St area to avoid another needless death in our community? There are no current plans to add or remove any street lighting on Frances St.
Warm Regards,
The Molalla Current Project Team
Share In the 2023-24 Urban Renewal Budget, there was $1,623,670 for the Police Facility. How much of this was spent? There was no separate capital fund for the police station in the 2023-24 budget for the city. I don't see where those funds are showing as revenue in the city's budget for 2023-24. In the 2024-25 Urban Renewal Budget, there is 2.5 million for the police facility. That amount is not showing as revenue in the city budget under the capital fund for the police station. Is that amount in another place in the budget? on Facebook Share In the 2023-24 Urban Renewal Budget, there was $1,623,670 for the Police Facility. How much of this was spent? There was no separate capital fund for the police station in the 2023-24 budget for the city. I don't see where those funds are showing as revenue in the city's budget for 2023-24. In the 2024-25 Urban Renewal Budget, there is 2.5 million for the police facility. That amount is not showing as revenue in the city budget under the capital fund for the police station. Is that amount in another place in the budget? on Twitter Share In the 2023-24 Urban Renewal Budget, there was $1,623,670 for the Police Facility. How much of this was spent? There was no separate capital fund for the police station in the 2023-24 budget for the city. I don't see where those funds are showing as revenue in the city's budget for 2023-24. In the 2024-25 Urban Renewal Budget, there is 2.5 million for the police facility. That amount is not showing as revenue in the city budget under the capital fund for the police station. Is that amount in another place in the budget? on Linkedin Email In the 2023-24 Urban Renewal Budget, there was $1,623,670 for the Police Facility. How much of this was spent? There was no separate capital fund for the police station in the 2023-24 budget for the city. I don't see where those funds are showing as revenue in the city's budget for 2023-24. In the 2024-25 Urban Renewal Budget, there is 2.5 million for the police facility. That amount is not showing as revenue in the city budget under the capital fund for the police station. Is that amount in another place in the budget? link
In the 2023-24 Urban Renewal Budget, there was $1,623,670 for the Police Facility. How much of this was spent? There was no separate capital fund for the police station in the 2023-24 budget for the city. I don't see where those funds are showing as revenue in the city's budget for 2023-24. In the 2024-25 Urban Renewal Budget, there is 2.5 million for the police facility. That amount is not showing as revenue in the city budget under the capital fund for the police station. Is that amount in another place in the budget?
Jennifer Satter asked 4 months agoThank you for your question!
2023-2024 Budget
Within the 2023-24 City of Molalla Annual Budget $1,623,670 was identified/budgeted for the proposed police facility for costs associated with demolition and pre-bond expenses. The incurred pre-bond expenses were paid back once bond funding was received. Out of the budgeted funding $228,663 was spent from the URA budget for the Police Facility on Bowling Alley demolition costs. When creating the budget, we estimate revenue and expenses. That does not mean we will receive or spend those funds. Part of budget creation is taking the actual ending fund balance and moving that to beginning fund balance. Funds not allocated or spent are carried over to the new budget year. The Police Facility is a Capital project and is listed under Capital Outlay in the URA budget.
2024-2025 Budget
The City identified 2.5 million in the URA budget is in the Capital Outlay section. This is not new funding, but all part of the carryover explained above. Nothing has been spent from that line item. During the Budget process it was discussed that we would ear mark potential funding for the Police Facility should the funding fall short at project completion. This is an allowable expense through our URA plan. This will be a budgeted carryover that you will see in 2025-2026 budget as well.
The Current Project Team
Share This question was asked to City staff: Back in 2017/2018 we in the property management world were told that Kate Brown had issued an executive order which gave the state the first right of purchase on other govt properties that were not in use, to be used for affordable housing. 1. Is that order still in place and 2. If so does that open the state to purchasing library property for affordable housing, if they offer it up for sale. At the time I never thought much about it but when Covid hit and the bldgs were closing their doors then it hit me hard and honestly that is why I hounded Diana so hard about keeping the library going in any way shape or form when the doors had to be closed to the public. Because at the time we had no "affordable" housing in Molalla. I am only asking because my concern would be that the state could come in and purchase that for affordable housing. I know certain zoning stuff would have to occur but is there any chance that could happen? If so do we need to concentrate only on the extended lease? It is not uncommon in a commercial lease to do a 99 year lease. on Facebook Share This question was asked to City staff: Back in 2017/2018 we in the property management world were told that Kate Brown had issued an executive order which gave the state the first right of purchase on other govt properties that were not in use, to be used for affordable housing. 1. Is that order still in place and 2. If so does that open the state to purchasing library property for affordable housing, if they offer it up for sale. At the time I never thought much about it but when Covid hit and the bldgs were closing their doors then it hit me hard and honestly that is why I hounded Diana so hard about keeping the library going in any way shape or form when the doors had to be closed to the public. Because at the time we had no "affordable" housing in Molalla. I am only asking because my concern would be that the state could come in and purchase that for affordable housing. I know certain zoning stuff would have to occur but is there any chance that could happen? If so do we need to concentrate only on the extended lease? It is not uncommon in a commercial lease to do a 99 year lease. on Twitter Share This question was asked to City staff: Back in 2017/2018 we in the property management world were told that Kate Brown had issued an executive order which gave the state the first right of purchase on other govt properties that were not in use, to be used for affordable housing. 1. Is that order still in place and 2. If so does that open the state to purchasing library property for affordable housing, if they offer it up for sale. At the time I never thought much about it but when Covid hit and the bldgs were closing their doors then it hit me hard and honestly that is why I hounded Diana so hard about keeping the library going in any way shape or form when the doors had to be closed to the public. Because at the time we had no "affordable" housing in Molalla. I am only asking because my concern would be that the state could come in and purchase that for affordable housing. I know certain zoning stuff would have to occur but is there any chance that could happen? If so do we need to concentrate only on the extended lease? It is not uncommon in a commercial lease to do a 99 year lease. on Linkedin Email This question was asked to City staff: Back in 2017/2018 we in the property management world were told that Kate Brown had issued an executive order which gave the state the first right of purchase on other govt properties that were not in use, to be used for affordable housing. 1. Is that order still in place and 2. If so does that open the state to purchasing library property for affordable housing, if they offer it up for sale. At the time I never thought much about it but when Covid hit and the bldgs were closing their doors then it hit me hard and honestly that is why I hounded Diana so hard about keeping the library going in any way shape or form when the doors had to be closed to the public. Because at the time we had no "affordable" housing in Molalla. I am only asking because my concern would be that the state could come in and purchase that for affordable housing. I know certain zoning stuff would have to occur but is there any chance that could happen? If so do we need to concentrate only on the extended lease? It is not uncommon in a commercial lease to do a 99 year lease. link
This question was asked to City staff: Back in 2017/2018 we in the property management world were told that Kate Brown had issued an executive order which gave the state the first right of purchase on other govt properties that were not in use, to be used for affordable housing. 1. Is that order still in place and 2. If so does that open the state to purchasing library property for affordable housing, if they offer it up for sale. At the time I never thought much about it but when Covid hit and the bldgs were closing their doors then it hit me hard and honestly that is why I hounded Diana so hard about keeping the library going in any way shape or form when the doors had to be closed to the public. Because at the time we had no "affordable" housing in Molalla. I am only asking because my concern would be that the state could come in and purchase that for affordable housing. I know certain zoning stuff would have to occur but is there any chance that could happen? If so do we need to concentrate only on the extended lease? It is not uncommon in a commercial lease to do a 99 year lease.
4 months agoThank you for your question!
As far as first right of refusal, no the state does not have a first right of refusal on district property unless it has been contractually granted and recorded for some reason, and that is both rare and unlikely in the case of School District property.
-The Molalla Current Project Team
Share When Tony Mann was entertaining conversation about selling the library property to the city, was the city under the impression this was an approved conversation by MRSD? on Facebook Share When Tony Mann was entertaining conversation about selling the library property to the city, was the city under the impression this was an approved conversation by MRSD? on Twitter Share When Tony Mann was entertaining conversation about selling the library property to the city, was the city under the impression this was an approved conversation by MRSD? on Linkedin Email When Tony Mann was entertaining conversation about selling the library property to the city, was the city under the impression this was an approved conversation by MRSD? link
When Tony Mann was entertaining conversation about selling the library property to the city, was the city under the impression this was an approved conversation by MRSD?
JackieSueMcCoy asked 4 months agoAnswer: Yes. This conversation had been going on for about 8 years. This subject had been discussed at the Council level as well.
The Molalla Current Project Team
Share If the school bond site plan was rejected by city planning due to non-compliance with the city development code, how is that remedied after the bond has passed? Obviously they have to change their plans. Does it cost money from the bond to restructure the site plan until it’s approved? Are rejections like this ever public information? The biggest thing people want to know, is why “the city” didn’t tell the public that the plan was rejected. on Facebook Share If the school bond site plan was rejected by city planning due to non-compliance with the city development code, how is that remedied after the bond has passed? Obviously they have to change their plans. Does it cost money from the bond to restructure the site plan until it’s approved? Are rejections like this ever public information? The biggest thing people want to know, is why “the city” didn’t tell the public that the plan was rejected. on Twitter Share If the school bond site plan was rejected by city planning due to non-compliance with the city development code, how is that remedied after the bond has passed? Obviously they have to change their plans. Does it cost money from the bond to restructure the site plan until it’s approved? Are rejections like this ever public information? The biggest thing people want to know, is why “the city” didn’t tell the public that the plan was rejected. on Linkedin Email If the school bond site plan was rejected by city planning due to non-compliance with the city development code, how is that remedied after the bond has passed? Obviously they have to change their plans. Does it cost money from the bond to restructure the site plan until it’s approved? Are rejections like this ever public information? The biggest thing people want to know, is why “the city” didn’t tell the public that the plan was rejected. link
If the school bond site plan was rejected by city planning due to non-compliance with the city development code, how is that remedied after the bond has passed? Obviously they have to change their plans. Does it cost money from the bond to restructure the site plan until it’s approved? Are rejections like this ever public information? The biggest thing people want to know, is why “the city” didn’t tell the public that the plan was rejected.
JackieSueMcCoy asked 4 months agoWas the site plan for MRSD Bond (new school bond) rejected by City Planning and who was that rejection information sent to (at the district)?
Thank you for your questions!
There are two questions regarding the School Bond Site Plan that are similar. We are answering both questions as follows:
Regarding the School Bond Site Plan:
The City of Molalla provides a courtesy pre-application conference to all applicants if requested. These conferences are not formal and provide the applicant with general information about what may be required by the City Development Code and what off-site improvements may be required. The plan provided to the City for the new Middle School did not comply with the City Development Code and that information was provided to the District during the pre-application conference. Generally, applicants and developers use this information to restructure their plans prior to a formal submittal.
The reason this information was not advertised to the public is that the conference was not a formal submittal, and no application fees were paid. The City has no way to know if these development issues will impact bond funding as this project is not a City project. Information would best be obtained from the Molalla River School District.
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