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Share your ideas for parks and recreation in Molalla!

Dear Molalla community member, 

Whether you’ve lived in the Molalla area for years, you're a newcomer to the community, you're a visitor, or you're somewhere in between — we want to hear from you! 

Parks and recreation facilities and services contribute to community wellbeing and quality of life.  This survey is part of a larger process to better understand what parks and recreation facilities and services are important to the community, what the City can improve or provide, and what is needed in the future.  Your responses will help inform Molalla’s Parks, Recreation & Trails System Plan, which will guide long-term funding and partnership efforts starting later this year. 

This anonymous survey should take 10-15 minutes to complete.  In appreciation for your time, we are raffling five $50 gift cards for local grocery and hardware stores.  You can enter the raffle at the end of the survey.