S. Molalla Avenue Waterline Extension construction
The City of Molalla has awarded the construction contract for the S. Molalla Avenue Waterline Extension project to M.L. Houck Construction Co. The contractor will be performing preparation work and surveying starting April 8th, 2024. Their tentative schedule for the project runs from Late April through August. We will notify waste disposal and the post office of the schedule so services can continue to run during the project. The contractor will maintain access in and out of your property as much as possible during daytime hours and we encourage you to communicate with them if you have any special needs such as getting to medical appointments. As we get closer to construction, a representative from Houck Construction will provide you with information on how to contact them.
The project will replace and extend the water main and service connections from the intersection of 5th St. & Molalla Ave. south to Molalla Forest Road. The project mainly consists of pipe work including installation of new services, fire hydrants and road improvements.
Notifications for any service interruptions will be delivered by Houck Construction at minimum 72 hours in advance.
If you have any immediate questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Sam Miller at (503)- 759-0217 or by email at smiller@cityofmolalla.com. Thank you for your cooperation.
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