Project Update - Paving Starts October 5th!
Project Update
Construction crews are laying the aggregate base for the 10-foot shared use path and will be paving the newly constructed path on Tuesday, Oct. 5. Travelers should expect flaggers directing traffic while paving occurs.
A newly constructed sidewalk near Safeway is now open.
Crews installed a new bridge along OR 211 over Bear Creek. The new bridge will provide safe access for people walking and biking where previously users shared the narrow highway bridge.
Construction on new Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant curbs ramps continues throughout the project area. Electrical work to install additional lighting at the pedestrian crossing on OR 211, on the east side of North Hezzie Lane is scheduled to take place in the coming weeks.
Travelers should expect daytime lane closures with flaggers directing traffic between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m., Mondays through Fridays. Construction impacts
Construction overview
Work will occur along the highway and off the shoulder, and there will be temporary lane closures and flaggers directing traffic. During construction, signed and accessible temporary pedestrian and bicycle access routes will be provided west of Industrial Way. Watch for signs and follow flagger directions.
Construction will include daytime and nighttime work. Expect elevated noise and lighting during construction. For nighttime noise concerns use the 24/7 nighttime noise hotline: 503-294-1356.
Visit for real-time traffic conditions.
Consultation has concluded