"If I Were Mayor" contest
Do you know a student with big ideas about Molalla? Encourage them to take part in the "If I Were Mayor..." contest. Winners from the local competition will move on to the state competition, where they could win a prize worth $500!
The 2023-2024 "If I Were Mayor..." Student Contest has kicked off!
Here is how it works...
First, each participating mayor promotes a local contest to select one local winning student in each of the three categories:
- Elementary School (grade 4-5) - Posters Contest (Photo of poster can be PNG, JPEG, or PDF files)
- Middle School (grade 6-8) - Essay Contest (Word, PDF, PowerPoint or online essay format)
- High School (grades 9-12) - Digital Media Presentations (Videos only, MP4 or online video format)
Submit your application to skeyser@cityofmolalla.com. before April 5, 2024
First place statewide winning students in each of the three categories will win $500. These students will receive their prizes at the awards luncheon held during the OMA Summer Conference in Klamath Falls at the Running Y Ranch, July 18-20, 2024. Winners will be contacted in June for travel arrangements. Second and third place winning students win $300 and $100 respectively and will receive their prizes at local city presentations.
For more information about the contest and a list of prior winners go to: https://www.oregonmayors.org/special-programs/page/student-contest

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